class Bindgen::Processor::AutoContainerInstantiation


Processor analyzing the input, and then reconfigures the list of wrapped container types (sequential and associative) to reflect all those used.

Elimnates the need to build the list manually.

This processor must be run before InstantiateContainers.

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Bindgen::Processor::Base

process(graph : Graph::Container, doc : Parser::Document) process

Constructor methods inherited from class Bindgen::Processor::Base

new(config : Configuration, db : TypeDatabase) new

Instance methods inherited from module Bindgen::Graph::Visitor

visit_alias(alias_name) visit_alias, visit_children(container : Container) visit_children, visit_class(klass) visit_class, visit_constant(constant) visit_constant, visit_enum(enumeration) visit_enum, visit_library(library) visit_library, visit_method(method) visit_method, visit_namespace(ns) visit_namespace, visit_node(node : Node) visit_node, visit_node?(node : Node) visit_node?, visit_platform_specific(specific) visit_platform_specific, visit_struct(structure) visit_struct, visit_union(structure) visit_union

Class Method Detail

def self.logger #

Processor analyzing the input, and then reconfigures the list of wrapped container types (sequential and associative) to reflect all those used.

Elimnates the need to build the list manually.

This processor must be run before InstantiateContainers.

Instance Method Detail

def logger #

Processor analyzing the input, and then reconfigures the list of wrapped container types (sequential and associative) to reflect all those used.

Elimnates the need to build the list manually.

This processor must be run before InstantiateContainers.

def visit_method(method : Graph::Method) #

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