class DBModels::Account

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:

Constant Summary

CRECTO_ENUM_FIELDS = [] of NamedTuple(name: Symbol, type: String, column_name: String, column_type: String)
CRECTO_FIELDS = [{name: :username, type: String}, {name: :password, type: String}, {name: :last_login, type: Time}, {name: :pincode, type: String}] of NamedTuple(name: Symbol, type: String)
CRECTO_MODEL_FIELDS = [] of NamedTuple(name: Symbol, type: String)
CRECTO_VALID_FIELD_OPTIONS = [:primary_key, :virtual, :default]
CRECTO_VALID_FIELD_TYPES = [String, Int64, Int32, Int16, Float32, Float64, Bool, Time, Int32 | Int64, Float32 | Float64, Json, PkeyValue, Array(String), Array(Int64), Array(Int32), Array(Int16), Array(Float32), Array(Float64), Array(Bool), Array(Time), Array(Int32 | Int64), Array(Float32 | Float64), Array(Json), Array(PkeyValue)]

macro constants


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

def : DB::ResultSet) #

def #

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Class Method Detail

def self.add_destroy_association(a) #

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def self.add_nullify_association(a) #

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def self.association_type_for_association(association : Symbol) #

Get the association type for the association i.e. :posts => :has_many

def self.cast(attributes : NamedTuple, whitelist : Tuple = attributes.keys) #

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def self.cast(attributes : Hash(Symbol, T), whitelist : Array(Symbol) = attributes.keys) forall T #

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def self.cast(attributes : Hash(String, T), whitelist : Array(String) = attributes.keys) forall T #

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def self.cast(**attributes) #

Class methods for mass assignment

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def self.cast!(attributes : NamedTuple) #

[View source]
def self.cast!(**attributes : **T) forall T #

Class methods for compile-time type safe mass assignment

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def self.changeset_fields #

Class method to get the .changeset_fields

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def self.created_at_field #

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def self.destroy_associations #

[View source]
def self.fields #

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def self.foreign_key_for_association(association : Symbol) : Symbol | Nil #

Get the foreign key for the association i.e. :posts => :user_id

def self.foreign_key_for_association(klass : Crecto::Model.class) #

def self.foreign_key_value_for_association(association : Symbol, item) #

Get the foreign key value from the relation object i.e. :posts, post => post.user_id

def self.from_rs(__temp_72 : DB::ResultSet) #

def self.klass_for_association(association : Symbol) #

Get the Class for the assocation name i.e. :posts => Post

def self.nullify_associations #

[View source]
def self.primary_key_field #

Return the primary key field as a String

[View source]
def self.primary_key_field_symbol #

Return the primary key field as a Symbol

[View source]
def self.set_value_for_association(association : Symbol, item, items) #

Set the value for the association i.e. :posts, user, [posts] => user.posts = [posts]

def self.table_name #

Class method to get the table name

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def self.through_key_for_association(association : Symbol) : Symbol | Nil #

Get the through association symbol i.e. :posts => :user_posts (if has_many through)

def self.updated_at_field #

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def self.use_primary_key? #

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def self.validate(message : String, block : DBModels::Account -> _) #

Validates generic block against an instance of the class

Instance Method Detail

def cast(attributes : NamedTuple, whitelist : Tuple = attributes.keys) #

def cast(attributes : Hash(Symbol, T), whitelist : Array(Symbol) = attributes.keys) forall T #

def cast(attributes : Hash(String, T), whitelist : Array(String) = attributes.keys) forall T #

def cast(**attributes : **T) forall T #

Empty instance methods for mass assignment Implementations are in the Schema.setup macro

def cast!(attributes : NamedTuple) #

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def cast!(**attributes : **T) forall T #

Instance method for compile-time type safe mass assignment

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def characters : Array(Character) #

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def characters=(val : Array(Character)) #

[View source]
def characters? : Array(Character) | Nil #

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def created_at : Time? #

def created_at=(_created_at : Time | Nil) #

def created_at_to_now #

def created_at_value #

def get_changeset #

[View source]
def id : Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | String | Nil #

def id=(_id : PkeyValue | Nil) #

def initial_values : Hash(Symbol, DbValue) | Nil #

def initial_values=(initial_values : Hash(Symbol, DbValue) | Nil) #

def last_login : Time? #

def last_login! #

def last_login=(_last_login : Time | Nil) #

def password : String? #

def password! #

def password=(_password : String | Nil) #

def pincode : String? #

def pincode! #

def pincode=(_pincode : String | Nil) #

def pkey_value #

Returns the value of the primary key field

def to_query_hash(include_virtual = false) #

Builds a hash from all CRECTO_FIELDS defined

def update_from_hash(hash : Hash(String, DbValue)) #

def update_primary_key(val) #

def updated_at : Time? #

def updated_at=(_updated_at : Time | Nil) #

def updated_at_to_now #

def updated_at_value #

def username : String? #

def username! #

Builds fields' cast typed method

def username=(_username : String | Nil) #