module CNFManager
Defined in:
Class Method Summary
- .cnf_config_list(silent = false)
TODO move to sandbox module
- .cnf_installation_method(config : CNFManager::Config) : Tuple(Helm::InstallMethod, String)
.cnf_installation_method(config : Totem::Config) : Tuple(Helm::InstallMethod, String)
Determine, for cnf, whether a helm chart, helm directory, or manifest directory is being used for installation
- .cnf_installed?
- .cnf_to_new_cluster(config, kubeconfig, offline = false)
.cnf_workload_resources(args, config, &)
Applies a block to each cnf resource
- .config_from_path_or_dir(cnf_path_or_dir)
- .config_source_dir(config_file)
- .destination_cnfs_exist?
- .directory_parameter_split(directory_with_parameters)
- .ensure_cnf_testsuite_dir(path : String)
.ensure_cnf_testsuite_yml_path(path : String)
if passed a directory, adds cnf-testsuite.yml to the string
- .ensure_directory(directory_with_parameters)
- .exclusive_install_method_tags?(config)
.export_published_chart(config, cli_args)
Retrieve the helm chart source: only works with helm chart installs (not helm directory or manifest directories)
- .generate_and_set_release_name(config_yml_path, airgapped = false, generate_tar_mode = false)
.helm_chart_template_release_name(helm_chart_or_directory : String, template_file = "/tmp/temp_template.yml", airgapped = false)
TODO move to helm module
- .helm_repo_add(helm_repo_name = nil, helm_repo_url = nil, args : Sam::Args =
.helm_template_header(helm_chart_or_directory : String, template_file = "/tmp/temp_template.yml", airgapped = false)
TODO move to helm module
.install_method_by_config_src(config_src : String, airgapped = false, generate_tar_mode = false)
todo move this to the helm module and use the helm enumeration
- .install_parameters(config)
- .namespace_from_parameters(parameters)
- .parsed_config_file(path)
- .path_has_yml?(config_path)
- .release_name?(config)
- .sample_cleanup(config_file, force = false, installed_from_manifest = false, verbose = true)
sample_setup({config_file: cnf_path, wait_count: wait_count})
- .sample_setup_cli_args(args, noisy = true)
- .sample_testsuite_yml(sample_dir)
.sandbox_setup(config, cli_args)
Create a unique directory for the cnf that is to be installed under ./cnfs Only copy the cnf's cnf-testsuite.yml and it's helm_directory or manifest directory (if it exists) Use manifest directory if helm directory empty
TODO figure out recursively check for unmapped json and warn on that
.workload_resource_test(args, config, check_containers = true, check_service = false, &block : NamedTuple(kind: YAML::Any, name: YAML::Any), JSON::Any, JSON::Any, Bool | Nil -> Bool | Nil)
test_passes_completely = workload_resource_test do | cnf_config, resource, container, initialized |
Class Method Detail
Determine, for cnf, whether a helm chart, helm directory, or manifest directory is being used for installation
Applies a block to each cnf resource
CNFManager.cnf_workload_resources(args, config) {|cnf_config, resource| #your code}
if passed a directory, adds cnf-testsuite.yml to the string
Retrieve the helm chart source: only works with helm chart installs (not helm directory or manifest directories)
TODO move to helm module
TODO move to helm module
todo move this to the helm module and use the helm enumeration
Create a unique directory for the cnf that is to be installed under ./cnfs Only copy the cnf's cnf-testsuite.yml and it's helm_directory or manifest directory (if it exists) Use manifest directory if helm directory empty
TODO figure out recursively check for unmapped json and warn on that
test_passes_completely = workload_resource_test do | cnf_config, resource, container, initialized |