class Pegasus::Error::TableException


An exception used to signify that an error occured while creating the lookup tables necessary for the Pegasus state machine.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Pegasus::Error::PegasusException

context_data : Array(ErrorContext) context_data, get_location_name get_location_name, print(io) print, print_extra(io) print_extra

Constructor methods inherited from class Pegasus::Error::PegasusException

new(description : String, context_data : Array(Pegasus::Error::ErrorContext) = [] of ErrorContext, internal : Bool = false) new

Instance Method Detail

def get_location_name #
Description copied from class Pegasus::Error::PegasusException

Get the "location" of the error, which is used to report to the user when in the process the error occured.

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