class SLS::Lambda::Context

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, function_version : String, memory_limit_in_mb : UInt32, log_group_name : String, log_stream_name : String, aws_request_id : String, invoked_function_arn : String, deadline_ms : Int64, identity : JSON::Any, client_context : JSON::Any, host : String, port : String, req : HTTPRequest, res : HTTPResponse) #

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Instance Method Detail

def aws_request_id : String #

The current request id from aws

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def client_context : JSON::Any #

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def deadline_ms : Int64 #

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def function_name : String #

The name of the lambda function

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def function_version : String #

The current function version

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def get_remaining_time_in_millis #

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def host : String #

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def identity : JSON::Any #

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def invoked_function_arn : String #

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def log_group_name : String #

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def log_stream_name : String #

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def memory_limit_in_mb : UInt32 #

The memory limit currently allocated to this function in Megabytes

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def port : String #

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def req : HTTPRequest #

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def res : HTTPResponse #

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