abstract struct Athena::Routing::ParamConverterInterface


A param converter allows applying custom logic in order to convert a primitive request parameter into a more complex type.

A few common examples could be converting a date-time string into a Time object, converting a user's id into an actual User object, or deserializing a request body into an instance of T.


Defining a custom param converter requires the usage of two (optionally three) things:

  1. An implementation of self to define the conversion logic.
  2. The ART::ParamConverter annotation applied to an action to specify what argument should be converted, and what converter should be used.
  3. An optional ART::ParamConverterInterface::ConfigurationInterface instance to define extra configuration options that can be used within the ART::ParamConverter annotation.

Param converters are registered as services, and as such, may use any other registered services as a dependency via DI.

require "athena"

# Create a param converter struct to contain our conversion logic.
struct MultiplyConverter < ART::ParamConverterInterface
  # :inherit:
  def apply(request : HTTP::Request, configuration : Configuration) : Nil
    arg_name = configuration.name

    # No need to continue if the request does not have a value for this argument.
    # The converter could also be setup to only set a value if it hasn't been set already.
    return unless request.attributes.has? arg_name

    # Retieve the argument from the request's attributes as an Int32.
    # Converters should also handle any errors that may occur,
    # such as type conversion, validation, or business logic errors.
    value = request.attributes.get arg_name, Int32

    # Override the argument's value within the request attributes, restricted to `Int32` values.
    request.attributes.set arg_name, value * 2, Int32

class ParamConverterController < ART::Controller
  # Use the ART::ParamConverter annotation to specify we want to use a param converter for the `num` argument, and that we want to use the `MultiplyConverter` for the conversion.
  @[ART::Get(path: "/multiply/:num")]
  @[ART::ParamConverter("num", converter: MultiplyConverter)]
  def multiply(num : Int32) : Int32


# GET /multiply/3 # => 6

Additional Configuration

By default, the configuration argument to #apply contains the name of the argument that should be converted, and a reference to the class of self. However, it can be augmented with additional data by using the ART::ParamConverterInterface.configuration macro.

For example, lets enhance the previous example to allow specifying the multiplier, versus it being hard-coded as 2.

require "athena"

struct MultiplyConverter < ART::ParamConverterInterface
  # Use the `configuration` macro to define the configuration object that `self` should use.
  # Adds an additional argument to allow specifying the multiplier.
  # Configuration data can be made optional by setting default values.
  configuration by : Int32

  # :inherit:
  def apply(request : HTTP::Request, configuration : Configuration) : Nil
    arg_name = configuration.name

    return unless request.attributes.has? arg_name

    value = request.attributes.get arg_name, Int32

    # Use the multiplier from the configuration object.
    request.attributes.set arg_name, value * configuration.by, Int32

class ParamConverterController < ART::Controller
  # Specify the multiplier to use for the conversion; in this case `4`.
  @[ART::Get(path: "/multiply/:num")]
  @[ART::ParamConverter("num", converter: MultiplyConverter, by: 4)]
  def multiply(num : Int32) : Int32


# GET /multiply/3 # => 12

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Constant Summary

TAG = "athena.param_converter"

The tag name to apply to self in order for it to be registered with ART::Listeners::ParamConverter.


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new #

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Instance Method Detail

def apply(request : HTTP::Request, configuration : Configuration) : Nil #

Applies the conversion logic based on the provided request and configuration.

Most commonly this involves setting/overriding a value stored in the request's ART::ParameterBag via request.attributes.

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def initialize #

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Macro Detail

macro configuration(*args) #

Helper macro for defining an ART::ParamConverterInterface::ConfigurationInterface; similar to the record macro. Accepts a variable amount of variable names, types, and optionally default values.

See the Additional Configuration example for more information.

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