module BakedFileSystem

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "1.0.0"

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Macro Detail

macro bake_folder(path, dir = __DIR__, allow_empty = false) #

Bakes all files in path into this baked file system. If path is relative, it will be based on dir which defaults to __DIR__. It will raise if there are no files found in path unless allow_empty is set to true.

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macro load(path, dir = __DIR__, allow_empty = false) #

Creates a baked file system and loads contents of files in path. If path is relative, it will be based on dir which defaults to __DIR__. It will raise if there are no files found in path unless allow_empty is set to true.

DEPRECATED Use extend BakedFileSystem and bake_folder instead.

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Instance Method Detail

def bake_file(path : String, content : String) #

Creates a BakedFile at path with content content and adds it to this file system.

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def bake_file(file : BakedFile) #

Adds a baked file to this file system.

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def files : Array(BakedFileSystem::BakedFile) #

Returns all virtual files in this file system.

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def get(path : String) : BakedFile #

Returns a BakedFile at path.

Raises NoSuchFileError if the virtual file does not exist.

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def get?(path : String) : BakedFile | Nil #

Returns a BakedFile at path or nil if the virtual file does not exist.

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