class Marisa::IntTrie

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Marisa::BytesTrie

[](value) [], []=(key : String, value : String | Int32) []=, add_many(hash : Hash(String, String | Int32), weight = nil) add_many, each_pairs(&block : Tuple(String, String | Int32) -> ) each_pairs, get(key : String) : String | Nil | Int32 get, get_all(key : String) : Array(String | Int32) get_all, include?(key : String) : Bool include?, set(key : String, value : String | Int32) set

Constructor methods inherited from class Marisa::BytesTrie

new(hash = {} of String => String | Int32, separator : String = VALUE_SEPARATOR, binary : Bool = false, num_tries : Symbol | Int32 = :default, cache_size = :normal, order = :label) new

Instance methods inherited from class Marisa::Trie

<<(value) : self <<, add(key : String, weight : Int32 | Nil = nil) add, add_many(keys : Array(String), weights : Array(Float32) = [] of Array(Float32)) add_many, agent : Wrapper::Agent agent, build build, build_if_necessary build_if_necessary, built? : Bool built?, each(&block : String -> ) each, get_id(key : String) : UInt64 | Nil get_id, get_key(id : UInt64) : String | Nil get_key, get_weight(key : String) : Float32 | Nil get_weight, has_keys? : Bool has_keys?, include?(key : String) : Bool include?, keys : Array(String) keys, load(path : String) load, save(path : String) save, search(prefix : String = "") : Search search, size : UInt64 size, trie : Wrapper::Trie trie

Constructor methods inherited from class Marisa::Trie

new(keys = [] of String, weights = [] of Float32, binary : Bool = false, num_tries : Symbol | Int32 = :default, cache_size : Symbol = :normal, order : Symbol = :label) new

Instance methods inherited from module Marisa::BaseConfigFlags

binary_flag(bool : Bool) : Int32 binary_flag, config_flags(binary = false, num_tries = :default, cache_size = :default, order = :default) config_flags, lookup_cache_size(cache_size : Symbol) : Int32 lookup_cache_size, valid_node_order(order : Symbol) : Int32 valid_node_order, valid_num_tries(num_tries : Int32 | Symbol) : Int32 valid_num_tries

Instance Method Detail

def sum(prefix = "") : Int32 #
Description copied from module Enumerable(String)

Adds initial and all the elements in the collection together. The type of initial will be the type of the sum, so use this if (for instance) you need to specify a large enough type to avoid overflow.

Expects all element types to respond to #+ method.

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sum(7) # => 28

If the collection is empty, returns initial.

([] of Int32).sum(7) # => 7