Cycling Data

Consume Cycling data from rides then parse said data into CSV file for use with other programs.

Cycles -> Records Ride Data (time, distance, etc) -> Store Data in CSV -> Access Data

Created as a means to solve my simple problem of entering cycling and training data offline and quickly without fuss on any device that can run a terminal emulator.


To install the program run use the crystal compiler to handle it.

$ crystal build src/ --release

You can optionally use Cake in the directory to compile. Cake is a version of a Makefile specifically for Crystal projects.

$ cake

If you're not familiar with building programs in Crystal or want to know more refer to the using the compiler section of the crystal docs.


I wanted it to be simple and not get in the way, so simply running cycling should work.

$ cycling

Changing File Output

If you want the program to create a new file in a particular place within your filesystem specify it with the -f flag

$ cycling -f <new file>


$ cycling --file <new file>

Getting Help

The program accepts flags, use -h to read about them.

$ cycling -h


$ cycling --help

Other Flags

I want to add more flags so you can import data from AAT and output into stdout for piping in the console.

I would love to see this work with GnuPlot to create charts in the console, or export to JSON to be used with web programs.


No shard dependencies used, but make sure your version of crystal is up to date. All development happens in the src/ directory.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
