
git + lab = 💰!

This little executable (if on your $PATH) adds another command to git: lab. Its default action is to print out some information about its own configuration; its subcommands provide some wrappers around calls to the GitLab API.

It's also a library that lets you build your own GitLab-related tools, and can run a basic server.

The behaviour is slightly enhanced if in a git work-dir whose origin is a GitLab project.


Write me


The tool is self-documenting, so just install it and run git lab help. A cheatsheet is available on the website.

The documentation for the library is hosted here.


After checking out the repo, run shards install to install dependencies. Then, run crystal spec to run the tests.

You can build the binary with shards build; the resultant git-lab binary will be in bin/.



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitLab. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the guidelines.


All code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.