Topos Playground CI GitHub release GitHub commits since latest release (by SemVer)


An instance of Config provides a Hash(String, String | Int | Bool) that can be accessed via method calls. The method names are the keys of the hash. It also provides facilities to serialize a configuration out to a JSON or YAML file, and to read a JSON or YAML file as a configuration.

Full Documentation


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: wyhaines/
  2. Run shards install


require "config"
config =

config.verbose = true
pp config.verbose # => true
if config.quiet?  # => false
  puts "be quiet"
  puts "don't be quiet" # => "don't be quiet"

The #data method will return the raw data hash.

pp # => {"verbose" => true}

The Config class can be initialized from an IO, or a Path/String that points to a file. The file can be in either JSON or YAML format. The default format is JSON, but if the file cannot be read as JSON, but can be read as YAML, then the format will change to YAML.

config = Config.from("config.json") # {"verbose" : "true"}
pp config.verbose                   # => "true"

config = Config.from("config.yaml") # {verbose : true}
pp config.verbose                   # => true

config = Config.from("config.txt") # {also_verbose : true}
pp config.also_verbose             # => true

## Contributing

1. Fork it (<>)
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

## Contributors

- [Kirk Haines]( - creator and maintainer