
This project has undergone several changes, but here's where we are now: Paste69 is a clone of the popular pastebin service, but written in Crystal using the Athena framework rather than in Python with Flask.

Differences from 0x0

I have tried to keep feature parody with 0x0, but there are some small differences:

Some features have also yet to be implemented. They will be coming in the near future. These features include:


Installation requires Crystal and Postgres. Other databases might be supported in the future.

Clone this repo:

git clone

Install dependencies:

shards install

Copy and modify the config file:

cp config/config.example.yml config/config.yml
vim config/config.yml

Build the executables, migrate the database, and run the server:

shards build
./bin/cli db:migrate # this assumes the dabase exists, if not run db:create first

Using Docker

If you want, you can build the Docker container yourself locally:

docker build -v ./uploads:/app/uploads --tag paste69 ./docker
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 paste69

Or, you can use the hosted version available through ghcr:

docker pull
docker run -d -p 8080:8080

All configuration items are available through environment variables, in addition to the config file. Configuration items and their environment variable names are listed below.


I've done my best to make Paste69 as zero configuration as possible. The default values listed in src/services/ should be sufficient for most deployments. However, should you wish to change any of the values you can do so through a config file, or using environment variables.

Valid config file locations are:

The following table contains all available configuration options, their default values, and their environment variable counterparts:

| Config Item | Default Value | Environment Variable | Description | |----------------------------|---------------------------|----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | host | "" | HOST | Host to bind to | | port | 8080 | PORT | Port to bind to | | site_url | "" | SITE_URL | Public URL of the site (used for generating links) | | database_url | "sqlite://./db/data.db" | DATABASE_URL | URL of the database (Postgres and SQLite supported) | | templates_dir | "src/templates" | TEMPLATES_DIR | Directory for template overrides (jinja2 format) | | max_content_length | 256 * 1024 * 1024 | MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH | Maximum size for incoming files | | max_url_length | 4096 | MAX_URL_LENGTH | Maximum size for shortened URLs | | max_ext_length | 9 | MAX_EXT_LENGTH | Maximum size for file extensions | | storage.path | "./uploads" | STORAGE.PATH | Local storage path for files | | storage.type | "local" | STORAGE.TYPE | Type of storage to use (local or s3) | | storage.s3.region | nil | STORAGE.S3.REGION | S3 region | | storage.s3.bucket | nil | STORAGE.S3.BUCKET | S3 bucket | | storage.s3.access_key | nil | STORAGE.S3.ACCESS_KEY | S3 access key | | storage.s3.secret_key | nil | STORAGE.S3.SECRET_KEY | S3 secret key | | storage.secret_bytes | 16 | STORAGE.SECRET_BYTES | Number of bytes to use for secrets | | storage.ext_override | too long | STORAGE.EXT_OVERRIDE | File extension override map (mime => ext) | | storage.mime_blocklist | too long | STORAGE.MIME_BLOCKLIST | Array containing mime types to blocklist | | storage.upload_blocklist | nil | STORAGE.UPLOAD_BLOCKLIST | Path to a file containing banned IP addresses | | nsfw.detect | false | NSFW.DETECT | Enable NSFW detection (TODO) | | nsfw.threshold | 0.608 | NSFW.THRESHOLD | NSFW detection threshold | | vscan.socket | nil | VSCAN.SOCKET | ClamAV socket for virus scanning (TODO) | | vscan.quarantine_path | "./quarantine" | VSCAN.QUARANTINE_PATH | Path for quarantined files | | vscan.interval | 604800 | VSCAN.INTERVAL | How often to scan for viruses | | vscan.ignore | too long | VSCAN.IGNORE | Mime types for which to ignore virus scanning | | url_alphabet | "01234567890abcdef..." | URL_ALPHABET | Alphabet string to use for shortened URL creation |

Custom Templates

Paste69 supports custom templates, which can be used to override the default templates. To do this, simply create a directory somewhere and copy the default templates from src/templates into it. For example:

mkdir -p ~/.config/paste69/templates
cp -r ./src/templates ~/.config/paste69/templates

and then update your config file (or set the TEMPLATES_DIR environment variable) to point to the new location.

*** ~/.config/paste69/config.yml 2024-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 -0500
--- ~/.config/paste69/config.yml 2024-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-templates_dir: "src/templates"
+templates_dir: "~/.config/paste69/templates"

this directory will be used in stead of the default templates, and not in addition to, so be sure to copy all of the templates over.

IP Blocklisting

IP blocklisting is supported. All uploads database entries should contain an IP address, telling you where it was uploaded from. If you want to block a certain IP address (or even an entire subnet), you can create a file containing a list of IP addresses to block and upadate your config file with the path to the file. The file should contain a single IP address or subnet per line. For example:


Feel free to make pull requests!


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
