
A multiformat internationalization (i18n) shard for Crystal.

There is no doubt that the crystal community lacks many essential features that most modern day languages have; one of which is internationalization. Lens is an attempt to fix that.

Getting started

Lens supports numerous different formats:

To get started, you should select one that fits your needs the best. See here for information regarding them.

Each backend can then be initialized with the locale directory

backend = Gettext::MOBackend.new("locales")

Each backend also supports nested directories and multiple files of the same language.

GNU Gettext

The GNU project's implementation of Gettext

backend = Gettext::MOBackend.new("locales")
catalogue_hash = backend.create() # => LanguageCode|| Filename => Catalogue 
catalogue = catalogue_hash["en_US"]

For detailed information regarding usage please refer to the actual API documentation. A brief overview of the functionality is present below.

Basic usage

Messages are fetched with the gettext method. If it doesn't exist then the given ID would be returned.

catalogue.gettext("A message")     # => "Translated message"
catalogue.gettext("I don't exist") # => "I don't exist"


Pluralization is done through the ngettext method. The given number is parsed through the C expression from the Plural-Forms header to know which plural-form to use.

catalogue.ngettext("I have %d apple", "I have %d apples", 0) # => "Translated I have %d apple"
catalogue.ngettext("I have %d apple", "I have %d apples", 1) # => "Translated I have %d apples"


Key can be constrained by a specific context and is accessed through the pgettext method.

catalogue.pgettext("CopyPasteMenu", "copy")          # => "Translated copy"
catalogue.pgettext("CopyPasteMenu", "I don't exist") # => "I don't exist"

Context with pluralization

Context-constrained messages can also have plural-forms and is accessed through the npgettext method

catalogue.npgettext("CopyPasteMenu", "Export %d file", "Export %d files", 0) # => "Translated message with plural-form 1"
catalogue.npgettext("CopyPasteMenu", "Export %d file", "Export %d files", 1) # => "Translated message with plural-form 0"


Is a format based on ruby-yml similar to what many others in the crystal community has implemented.

# The backend is the catalogue in the case of crystal-i18n
catalogue = CrystalI18n::I18n.new("locales")

Each file should be named like language-code.yml

For detailed information regarding usage please refer to the actual API documentation. A brief overview of the functionality is present below.

Basic usage

catalogue.translate("en", "translation") # => "Translated Message"

Nested keys can be accessed by separating routes with .

catalogue.translate("en", "nested_key.forth.forth-third.forth-third-fifth.4344")


catalogue.translate("en", "possessions.fruits.apples", 50) # => "I have 50 apples"
catalogue.translate("en", "possessions.fruits.apples", 1)  # => "I have 1 apple"

Plural-rules follows CLDR and is pre-defined in lens for many languages. If your language isn't included in lens you many define (or even overwrite) a new plural-rule through the CrystalI18n.define_rule method

  CrystalI18n.define_rule("ar", ->(n : Int32 | Int64 | Float64) {
  when n == 0             then "zero"
  when n == 1             then "one"
  when n == 2             then "two"
  when 3..10 === n % 100  then "few"
  when 11..99 === n % 100 then "many"
  else                         "other"


Interpolation is done through keyword arguments in the #translate method

# message is 'Hello there, my name is %{name} and I'm a %{profession}`.
result = catalogue.translate("en", "introduction.messages", name: "Steve", profession: "programmer")
result # => "Hello there, my name is Steve and I'm a programmer"


If the value at the given path (key) turns out to be an array then you can pass in the iter argument to select a specific value at the given index

catalogue.translate("en", "items.foods", iter: 2) # => "Hamburger"

API documentation



  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: syeopite/lens
  2. Run shards install


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/syeopite/lens/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

