Combine (harvester)

Amber Framework

This is a project written using Amber. Enjoy!

Getting Started

These instructions will get a copy of this project running on your machine for development and testing purposes.


This project requires Crystal (installation guide).

Alternatively, docker compose up should bring up a container based setup (untested).

Initial setup

The environment configuration files are encrypted in git, so to run the project you'll need the key from 1Password:

op read op://Shared/rasikyplntusmmbszukvobmjz4/password >.encryption_key


The changelog records the latest changes.


To start your Amber server:

  1. Install dependencies with shards install
  2. Build executables with shards build
  3. Create and migrate your database with bin/amber db create migrate.
  4. Start Amber server with bin/amber watch

Now you can visit http://localhost:3000/ from your browser.


To run the test suite:

crystal spec


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch ( git checkout -b my-new-feature )
  3. Commit your changes ( git commit -am 'Add some feature' )
  4. Push to the branch ( git push origin my-new-feature )
  5. Create a new Pull Request
