
What it is

This is a parser for the shortcode spec as explained in the Hugo docs and used in Hugo and Nikola. Approximately.

I am implementing this for Nicolino.

It probably won't be 100% identical, but I'll try to make it as close as practical.

What works


You need Ragel and a C compiler.

Ragel is used to generate shortcodes.c out of shortcodes.rl. As a convenience there is a generated shortcodes.c in the repo,


  cd src && make

To run tests:

  crystal spec


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: ralsina/shortcodes
  2. Run shards install

Usage in Crystal

require "shortcodes"

Usage in C

Just copy shortcodes.c and shortcodes.h into your project and have fun.