
Crycco is a crystal remix of Docco a small, nice, literate programming tool.

But the best way to understand it is to see it working. Here is the Crycco documentation which is ... the Crycco source code processed by Crycco 🤣


You don't need any other files or anything.


$ bin/crycco --help
Crycco, a Crystal version of docco/pycco/etc.

    crycco FILE... [-L <file>][-l <name>][-o <path>][-c <file>]
                     [-t <file>] [--doc|--code]
    crycco -v
    cryco --help

  -v, --version           output the version number
  -l, --languages <file>  use a custom languages.yml file
  -o, --output <path>     output to a given folder [default: docs/]
  -t, --template <name>   template for doc layout [default: sidebyside]
  --code                  output source code instead of HTML [default: false]
  -h, --help              this help message

Crycco comes with two templates for HTML documents which you can
use in the -t option when generating docs:

sidebyside (default)
  Shows the docs and code in two columns, matching docs to the code
  they are about.
  Single columns, docs then code, then docs then code.

If you use the --code option, the output will be machine-readable
source code instead of HTML.

It can also be used as a library but not documenting it here just in case I want to change it soon. I will be integrating it with Nicolino which should give me clarity on how to use it.


It's a tiny program, you can understand it in 15 minutes. Go to and read the source code.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
