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Server that accepts Event via WebSocket or HTTP POST request. Filters them based on defined rules. Forwards thems to other nodes.

Available endpoints:

Upon start, server exposes two endpoints:

  1. /ingest Websocket endpoint which accepts Event in a json format.
  2. /ingest HTTP POST endpoint which accepts Event in bulk, where list of events are specified in ndjson format.

Starting server as crystal script

API_KEY=password CURATOR_ID=cur-45678 CURATOR_PEPPER=secret FORWARDS="ws://|secret_api_key" crystal run src/


Available Environment variables:

Event filtering rules:

Curator accepts rules in a yml format. Rules are defined in config/rules.yml for all Event attributes except Event.ref.

Event.ref rules are defined in config/ref_rules.yml

rules.yml example:

  attribute: "org"
  operation: "exclude"
    - fb
  attribute: "org"
  operation: "include"
    - microsoft
    - google
  attribute: "uts"
  operation: "greater_than_equal"
    - 1580276617006
  attribute: "uts"
  operation: "less_than_equal"
    - 1880276617000

ref_rules.yml example:

  attribute: "ref"
  operation: "exclude"
    - blank
    - [email protected]

Allowed Operators for Rules:

Available operators are Event attribute dependent.

Allowed values for Rules:


To run specs crystal spec


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request