
gd-icon-renderer CI Docs

A (WIP) Crystal Geometry Dash icon renderer library, utilizing libvips


Server-side rendering of icons. This functionality doesn't need to be restricted to an HTTP server, so I figured I could just move it into a library.


You'll need to install libvips, alongside a devel package for building if available. Be sure to leave this note in the README of the application you're making too.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: oatmealine/gd-icon-renderer
  2. Run shards install


Currently, for most examples under examples/, you'll have to plug the icons folder of your GD install in data/. Otherwise, the process for rendering an icon is as follows:

  1. Load spritesheets:

    # Replace the filepaths here with whatever is relevant for your usecase
    sheet = IconRenderer::Assets.load_spritesheet("data/icons/ship_44-uhd.plist")
  2. Render the icon out:

    icon_img = IconRenderer::Renderer.render_icon("ship_44", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [255/255, 125/255, 125/255, 1.0], nil, true, sheet)

    You'll now be given a Vips::Image.

  3. (Optional) You might find it useful to now trim the whitespace out, as Geometry Dash icons usually have lots of surrounding blank space:

    alpha = icon_img.extract_band(3)
    left, top, width, height = alpha.find_trim(threshold: 0, background: [0])
    icon_img = icon_img.crop(left, top, width, height)
  4. You'll most likely want to save the resulting image somewhere:
