
An adequate command-line random password generator for macOS.

Linux Build Status macOS Build Status



The easiest way is via Homebrew.

brew tap mraffonso/randpass
brew install randpass

From source

Use the provided Makefile to build a production release.


Then you can copy the binary to a location in your $PATH. For example:

mkdir -p $HOME/bin
cp build/randpass $HOME/bin

If it still does not work make sure the path is in your $PATH.

# If you use bash
echo 'export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/bin"' >> .bashrc
# Or if you use ZSH
echo 'export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/bin"' >> .zshrc



Randpass is very simple and there are three types of arguments randpass accepts for password generation.

| Argument | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | length | List all new or modified files | 8 | | charsets | Show file differences that haven't been staged | dlsu | | count | List all new or modified files | 1x |

OK, so how do these charsets work? It's also very simple, you simply specity a string of the charset codes you wish to use.


In addition to the mandatory --help and --version, and their shorter variants, there is also a --charsets (-c for short) option to list the available charsets.

randpass --charsets # Shows available charsets
randpass -c         # Also shows available charsets
randpass --help     # Shows help
randpass -h         # Also shows help
randpass --version  # Shows version
randpass -v         # Also shows version


A password 20 characters long with digits, lowercase and uppercase. It is not necessary to specify 1x, since that's the default.

randpass 20 dlu # PoCuQuVJ0rayYvOYWxcD

A password 16 characters long with binary only.

randpass 16 b # 1110011101010110

Four passwords 12 characters long with digits, lowercase, uppercase and specials. It is not necessary to specify "dlsu" since that's the default.

randpass 12 4x
# dyeuGs0lZXDM
# Gi605fBxTxc7
# Hy7ojyqvYJnA
# 58k9WXw5rb72


To develop randpass you'll need Crystal which is the only requirement.


All specs can by run with.

crystal spec


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/mraffonso/randpass/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
