Mosquito is a generic background job runner written primarily for Crystal. Significant inspiration from experience with the successes and failings many Ruby gems in this vein. Once compiled, a mosquito binary can start work in about 10 milliseconds.
Mosquito currently provides these features:
- Delayed execution (
SendEmailJob.new(email: :welcome, address: user.email).enqueue(in: 3.minutes)
) - Scheduled / Periodic execution (
) - Job Storage in Redis
- Automatic rescheduling of failed jobs
- Progressively increasing delay of rescheduled failed jobs
- Dead letter queue of jobs which have failed too many times
- Rate limited jobs
Current Limitations:
- Visibility into a running job network and queue is limited. There is a working proof of concept visualization API and bare-bones terminal application.
Project State
The Mosquito project is stable. A few folks are using Mosquito in production, and it's going okay.
There are some features which would be nice to have, but what is here is both tried and tested.
If you're using Mosquito, please get in touch on the Discussion board or on Crystal chat with any questions, feature suggestions, or feedback.
Update your shard.yml
to include mosquito:
+ mosquito:
+ github: mosquito-cr/mosquito
Step 1: Define a queued job
# src/jobs/puts_job.cr
class PutsJob < Mosquito::QueuedJob
param message : String
def perform
puts message
Step 2: Trigger that job
# src/<somewher>/<somefile>.cr
PutsJob.new(message: "ohai background job").enqueue
Step 3: Run your worker to process the job
# src/worker.cr
Mosquito.configure do |settings|
settings.redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"]
crystal run src/worker.cr
> crystal run src/worker.cr
2017-11-06 17:07:29 - Mosquito is buzzing...
2017-11-06 17:07:51 - Running task puts_job<...> from puts_job
2017-11-06 17:07:51 - [PutsJob] ohai background job
2017-11-06 17:07:51 - task puts_job<...> succeeded, took 0.0 seconds
More information about queued jobs in the manual.
Periodic Jobs
Periodic jobs run according to a predefined period -- once an hour, etc.
This periodic job:
class PeriodicallyPutsJob < Mosquito::PeriodicJob
run_every 1.minute
def perform
emotions = %w{happy sad angry optimistic political skeptical epuhoric}
puts "The time is now #{Time.local} and the wizard is feeling #{emotions.sample}"
Would produce this output:
2017-11-06 17:20:13 - Mosquito is buzzing...
2017-11-06 17:20:13 - Queues: periodically_puts_job
2017-11-06 17:20:13 - Running task periodically_puts_job<...> from periodically_puts_job
2017-11-06 17:20:13 - [PeriodicallyPutsJob] The time is now 2017-11-06 17:20:13 and the wizard is feeling skeptical
2017-11-06 17:20:13 - task periodically_puts_job<...> succeeded, took 0.0 seconds
2017-11-06 17:21:14 - Queues: periodically_puts_job
2017-11-06 17:21:14 - Running task periodically_puts_job<...> from periodically_puts_job
2017-11-06 17:21:14 - [PeriodicallyPutsJob] The time is now 2017-11-06 17:21:14 and the wizard is feeling optimistic
2017-11-06 17:21:14 - task periodically_puts_job<...> succeeded, took 0.0 seconds
2017-11-06 17:22:15 - Queues: periodically_puts_job
2017-11-06 17:22:15 - Running task periodically_puts_job<...> from periodically_puts_job
2017-11-06 17:22:15 - [PeriodicallyPutsJob] The time is now 2017-11-06 17:22:15 and the wizard is feeling political
2017-11-06 17:22:15 - task periodically_puts_job<...> succeeded, took 0.0 seconds
More information on periodic jobs in the manual.
Advanced usage
For more advanced topics, including use with Lucky Framework, throttling or rate limiting, check out the full manual.
Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository, commit changes on a branch, and then open a pull request.
Crystal Versions
Mosquito aims to be compatible with the latest Crystal release, and the latest patch for all post-1.0 minor crystal versions.
For development purposes you're encouraged to stay in sync with .tool-versions
This repository uses minitest for testing. As a result, crystal spec
doesn't do anything helpful. Do this instead:
make test
In lieu of crystal spec
bells and whistles, Minitest provides a nice alternative to running one test at a time instead of the whole suite.