
A command line tool, written in Crystal for adding icons to ls output, similar to colorls.

Example output:




Put the generated binary in your $PATH, and run colorls. You can setup an alias:

alias ls="colorls --report"

Run colorls -s to generate a default configuration file. By default, the file is placed in ~/.config/colorls-cr/config.yaml


Icons & colors

To customize icons & colors, add a ~/.config/colorls-cr/config.yaml or ~/.colorls-cr.yaml file with your icon & color mappings. An example yaml file is generated at ~/.config/colorls-cr/config.yaml when you run colorls -s

Available colors can be any string supported by Colorize

Icons can be any Unicode mapping for your font. Use the nerdfonts cheatsheet to look up code points if you're using Nerd Fonts


Contributions in the form of bug reports, pull requests, documentation updates, and feature requests are welcome.

Please open an issue for any of the above.