
Simple HTTP method emulator for form submitted data.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:
    github: imdrasil/http_method_emulator
  1. Run shards install


HTML form supports only GET and POST method. To bring other methods support you can use this shard. This shard will be useful for a web frameworks/libs that have no such functionality (like Kemal or Spider-Gazelle).

require "http_method_emulator"

# Add handler to your middlewares
# like for Kemal

add_handler HTTPMethodEmulator::Handler::INSTANCE

Also require "lib/http_method_emulator/assets/http_method_emulator.js" in your js assets.

Now you can just create POST form with hidden field _method holding required method.

<form method="POST" action="/some/path">
  <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PATCH">
  <button type="submit">Make Request</button>

JS catches submit event and add query parameter based on form _method field (or do nothing if it isn't exist). Handler modifies POST request method setting value sent in query _method field.


You can specify field name to be used for holding method name. This should be done in two places - crystal and JS.

HTTPMethodEmulator.config do |conf|
  conf.key = "http_method"
// Anywhere after js being imported
window.HTTPMethodEmulator.key = "http_method"


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
