
Embeddable versions in crystal applications at compile time. Convention over configuration with git tags.

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Quick start

Add the dependency to your shard.yml and install versionator.

    github: dyslexic-degenerate/versionator
> shards install

Require versionator and use it to access the version:

require "versionator"

module MyApp
  puts "version: #{Versionator.version}"

Build your application and embed your version:

> VERSIONATOR=x.y.z shards build

> ./bin/myapp

version: x.y.z

Fun Stuff...

Versionator leverages convention over configuration by extracting the current version at compile time directly from git using git describe --tags --dirty.

For details on git describe and how it works:

This versioning technique extracts the most recent tag set using git tag.

In order for this to work you must have at least one tag set.

Don't forget to git push and git fetch your tags.

For example:

# When the most recent tag matches the most recent commit with a clean working tree
> git describe --tags --dirty

# When the most recent tag matches the most recent commit with a dirty working tree
> git describe --tags --dirty

# When the most recent tag is 4 commits behind the most recent commit with a clean working tree
> git describe --tags --dirty

# When the most recent tag is 4 commits behind the most recent commit with a dirty working tree
> git describe --tags --dirty

This versioning technique allows you to get detailed information about the current code being executed within the compiled application.

Common Usage

Leverage git describe --tags --dirty to provide versioning information. All you need are git tag's and Versionator.version.

For example:

> shards build

> ./bin/myapp


# sanity check :)
> git describe --tags --dirty

When you don't have git for some reason during compilation (not that unusual for release build chains) you can use the VERSIONATOR environment variable to embed the version:

> VERSIONATOR=v1.0.1 shards build

> ./bin/myapp

version: v1.0.1


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
