##MightyString Build Status

Powerful methods for your strings.

This is a partially ported version of the Ruby gem "mightystring" over to Crystal. Not nearly as much functionality is provided but hopefully these methods will still be found useful!


Add this shard you your shard.yml file.

    github: danielpclark/mightystring.cr
    version: ~> 1.0.0

And install your dependencies with crystal deps. Then add require "mightystring" where you need it.


# String#del
# => "fasdf"
# => "adfasdf"
# => "adasdf"
# => "sdfsdf"

# String#first
# => "a"

# String#last
# => "f"

# String#sort
str = "asdf"
# => "adfs"
# => "asdf"

# String#values_at
# => ["a", "s", "f"]

# String#index_all
"012324507654301243".index_all( "0" )
# => [0,7,13]
"the apple is the best fruit in the world".index_all( "the" )
# => [0, 13, 31]
"asdfasdfasdf".index_all( /sd/ )
# => [1,5,9]

# String#sift
"qwertyuiop".sift( "aeiou" )
# => "euio"
"qa2ws3ed4rf5tg6yh7uj8ik9ol".sift( Range.new( "0", "9" ) )
# => "23456789"

# String#head
# => "a"
# => "asd"

# String#tail
# => "sdf"
# => "f"

# String#bhead and String#bisect_head
# => ["a", "sdf"]
# => ["asd", "f"]

# String#btail and String#bisect_tail
# => ["sdf", "a"]
# => ["f", "asd"]