
Xbs is a server that implements the xBrowserSync API. I looked at the official source code for the API server, as well as a couple of alternatives written in Go, xbsapi and xSyn. But they seemed too bulky and intimidating for self-hosting. So I decided to write my own server in Crystal, a Ruby-like compiled language that has an excellent HTTP library for writing tiny API servers.


Xbs requires C libraries for yaml and libsqlite3. These can be installed on Debian or Ubuntu using:

sudo apt install libyaml-dev
sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev


To build Xbs, use this:

shards install
crystal build src/xbs.cr

This will create a binary xbs in the current directory. This executable file and the configuration file (see the next section) are all that you need for an xbs installation.


Xbs keeps its configuration information in a YAML file. To create an initial configuration, copy the file xbs.yml.sample to xbs.yml and edit as needed. The configuration file contains these required fields:

The configuration file contains these optional fields:


To run Xbs as a server, use this:

./xbs [config-option]

The server will run until terminated by a Control-C or other signal.

Xbs supports a single option: --config=FILENAME, which you can use to specify to the path to the configuration YAML file. The default value is ./xbs.yml.

System Service

It is more convenient to start the Xbs server as a system service than to run it from the command line. To do this, follow these steps:

Apache Reverse Proxy

It is probably a good idea to run Xbs behind an Apache reverse proxy. That way, Apache can handle SSL and rate limiting, freeing Xbs from having to deal with these complications. To implement the reverse proxy, you must first enable the Apache2 proxy modules:

a2enmod proxy_http

Then add the following line to the VirtualHost section in the appropriate config file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/. On my system, using Let's Encrypt, this file is 000-default-le-ssl.conf.

ProxyPass /xbs/ http://localhost:8090/ upgrade=websocket


Xbs has been tested with the xBackupSync extension for Chrome. You can test it outside of a browser extension using the curl utility. Run Xbs in one terminal session, as shown above, and in another terminal session, use the following commands to test the various API endpoints. Most of the commands will return a JSON response.

There is a shell script in this repository called xbstest that simplifies the use of the these curl commands. Run the script with no arguments to see how to use it.

Create bookmarks

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8090/bookmarks'

This will return a JSON response containing the new ID (a randomly generated 32-character UUID) to be used in subsequent tests. In the following commands, replace "ID" with this ID.

Get bookmarks

curl 'http://localhost:8090/bookmarks/ID'

Get lastUpdated

curl 'http://localhost:8090/bookmarks/ID/lastUpdated'

Get sync version

curl 'http://localhost:8090/bookmarks/ID/version'

Update bookmarks

Note: the following command is shown on multiple lines for clarity, but it should be typed on one line.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
  -d '{"bookmarks":"bookmark data","lastUpdated":"2023-11-03T121:32:59Z"}'

Get service information

curl 'http://localhost:8090/info'

xBrowserSync API

The official API specification is here. For completeness, the following is a copy of the specification as of version 1.1.13.

Create bookmarks

Post /bookmarks

Creates a new (empty) bookmark sync and returns the corresponding ID.

Post body example:


version: Version number of the xBrowserSync client used to create the sync.

Response example:


Get bookmarks

Get /bookmarks/{id}

Retrieves the bookmark sync corresponding to the provided sync ID.

Query params:

id: 32 character alphanumeric sync ID.

Response example:


Update bookmarks

Put /bookmarks/{id}

Updates the bookmark sync data corresponding to the provided sync ID with the provided encrypted bookmarks data.

Query params:

id: 32 character alphanumeric sync ID.

Post body example: { "bookmarks":"DWCx6wR9ggPqPRrhU4O4oLN5P09oULX4Xt+ckxswtFNds...", "lastUpdated":"2016-07-06T12:43:16.866Z", }

Response example:


*lastUpdated: Last updated timestamp for updated bookmarks.

Get last updated

Get /bookmarks/{id}/lastUpdated

Retrieves the bookmark sync last updated timestamp corresponding to the provided sync ID.

Query params:

id: 32 character alphanumeric sync ID.

Response example:


lastUpdated: Last updated timestamp for corresponding bookmarks.

Get sync version

Get /bookmarks/{id}/version

Retrieves the bookmark sync version number of the xBrowserSync client used to create the bookmarks sync corresponding to the provided sync ID.

Query params:

id: 32 character alphanumeric sync ID.

Response example:


version: Version number of the xBrowserSync client used to create the sync.

Service information

Get service information

Get /info

Retrieves information describing the xBrowserSync service.

Response example:
