Pub/Sub Framework

Echo is a messaging framework built in Crystal Language, that applies the Pub/Sub pattern with asynchronous messaging service. Echo provides instant event notifications for distributed applications, especially those that are decoupled into smaller, independent building blocks.

Communication Model

Echo uses Topic based messaging, where messages are published to named topics invoked as Stream(M) type objects. The Producer(Messate, Stream) is the one who creates these Streams. Consumer subscribe to those topics to receive messages from whereever they appear.

Types of Streams

Echo has 3 types of Stream built-in these are:

Core concepts

Producer Consumer Relationship

A producer application creates and sends events to a stream. Consumer applications create a subscription to a event to receive messages from it. Communication can be one-to-many (fan-out), many-to-one (fan-in), and many-to-many.

Producer-Consumer relationships

Common use cases


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: azutoolkit/echo
  2. Run shards install

Example Usage

Echo::Redis is replaceable with Echo::Memory and Echo::WebSocket

require "echo"

struct World
  include Echo::Message
  getter name : String = ""

  def initialize(@name)

struct Marco
  include Echo::Message
  getter name = "Marco"

class WorldProducer
  include Echo::Producer(World, Echo::Redis)
  include Echo::Producer(Marco, Echo::Redis)

  # subscribe and publish methods are now available

class WorldConsumer
  include Echo::Consumer(World, Echo::Redis)
  include Echo::Consumer(Marco, Echo::Redis)

  getter count : Int32 = 0

  def on(event : World | Marco)
    @count += 1 something...


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
