
Reading lines in the text file which is growing and may be rotated, such as unix system log file.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: arcage/crystal-logreader


require "logreader"

# create LogReader object
log = LogReader.new("/var/log/maillog")

# reads single line from the file
# waits new line, when the file reaches EOF
puts log.read_line

# iterates each line in the file
log.each do |line|
  puts line

LogReader has only two public instance method #read_line and #each

#each will not finish in normal operation. if you want to stop it, you have to do it forcibly by using Ctrl+C, kill command etc.

Internal behaviour

When reading no data for reasons such as EOF, LogReader try to read more data every second.

For every consecutive 5 results that no data read, LogReader checks whether or not the inode number associated with the file name was changed.

If it had been changed, LogReader close current file and re-open the file.
