Agave DB

An in-memory key/value store for data structures. It is partly Redis-compatible, allowing you to use the Redis CLI, but the goal is not to clone Redis.

Agave was created in response to some of the common complaints about Redis in production:

Agave aims to solve these:

Data Types

Agave supports storing and serializing all of the following data types:

All collection types (arrays, sets, and hashes) are automatically created when adding to them and deleted when the last item is removed. This avoids the need to clean them up yourself.

Other data types planned:


Agave does not yet support multithreading, but it's being worked on. There is a locking mechanism for commands to use, but it's unnecessary in Crystal's single-threaded mode.


Install from source

First, you'll need to install the Crystal compiler.

git clone
cd agave
shards build




All commands have access to the following:

| Expression | Type | Description | |-|-|-| | command | Array(Agave::Value) | The full deserialized command array | | key | String | The name of the key to operate on. Defaults to command[1]. | | data | Hash(String, Agave::Value) | The hash containing all keys and their values | | expirations | Hash(String, Time) | A hash which maps keys to their expiration timestamps | | lock(key : String) | Nil | A method that acquires a lock for the given key before executing its block and releases the lock after the block completes |

Implementing commands

To implement a new Agave command, define a file with its name in the src/commands directory. For example, if you want to define an UPCASE command, you would create a file src/commands/ with the following:

require "../commands"

# Command: UPCASE key value
Agave::Commands.define upcase do
  # If the key has expired but the server has not swept it out yet, go ahead and
  # do that now.
  check_expired! key

  # Only operate on the key if it has a value
  if value = data[key]?
    # Can only upcase strings
    if value.is_a? String
      data[key] = value.upcase
    else"WRONGTYPE", "UPCASE must be called with a String key, but `#{key}` is a #{value.class}")


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
