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rbac.cr provides simple role based access control for crystal programs


Add to your shard.yml

    github: tpei/rbac.cr
    branch: master

and then install the library into your project with

$ crystal deps


rbac.cr come with two basic modules

Consider the following simple example:

# a DataStore that has different access levels
class DataStore
  include Rbac::Resource

# a User that can also have different access levels
class User
  include Rbac::Accessor

# create a DataStore and add access levels
ds = DataStore.new
ds.has_roles :add, :edit, :delete
ds.roles # => [:add, :edit, :delete]
ds.has_role? :add # => true
ds.has_role? :read # => false

# create users with different access levels
admin = User.new
admin.has_roles ds.roles

author = User.new
author.has_roles :add, :edit

editor = User.new
editor.has_roles :edit

impotent = User.new
impotent.has_roles :read

# now you can simply check if a user has any of the resource rights
ds.authorized? author # => true
ds.authorized? impotent # => false

# and you can also check if a user has a specific resource right
ds.authorized?(admin, :add, :delete) # => true

# may is a shorthand for the `authorized?(Roleable, *Symbol)` method
ds.may?(editor, :add) # => false

You can also define default roles per model by adding the has_roles call to the initializer:

class UserWithDefaultRoles
  include Rbac::Accessor

  def initialize
    has_roles :add

# every instance now has this roles
u = UserWithDefaultRoles.new
u.roles # => [:add]

# roles can of course still be extended for class instances
u.has_roles :edit, :delete
u.roles # => [:add, :edit, :delete]


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/tpei/rbac/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
