PlaceOS Init Container

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A set of scripts for initialization of PlaceOS.


The scripts are methods wrapped by a interface. Most use named arguments which are used as described here.

Execute scripts as one-off container jobs.


# Initialize PostgreSQL database
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task db:init host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD
# Dump PostgreSQL database to local filesystem
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task db:dump host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD
# Restore PostgreSQL database from local filesystem dump
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task db:restore path=DUMP_FILE_LOCATION host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD
# Migrate RethinkDB dump to PostgreSQL database
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task migrate:rethink_dump path=DUMP_FILE_LOCATION host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD clean_before=true
# Create a set of placeholder records
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:placeholder
# Create an Authority
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:authority domain="localhost:8080"
# Create a backoffice application hosted on `http://localhost:4200`
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:application \
    authority_id=<authority_id> \
    name="development" \
    base="http://localhost:4200" \
# Create a User
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:user \
    authority_id="s0mek1nd4UUID" \
    email="[email protected]" \
    username="burger" \
    password="burgerR00lz" \
    sys_admin=true \
# Restore to a database backup from S3
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task restore:pg \
    pg_host=$PG_HOST \
    pg_port=$PG_PORT \
    pg_db=$PG_DB \
    pg_user=$PG_USER \
    pg_password=$PG_PASS \
    force_restore=$PG_FORCE_RESTORE \
    aws_region=$AWS_REGION \
    aws_s3_bucket=$AWS_S3_BUCKET \
    aws_s3_object=$AWS_S3_BUCKET \
    aws_key=$AWS_KEY \
# Restore to a database backup from filesystem
docker-compose run --no-deps \
    -v /etc/placeos/pg_dump_2020-07-14T14_26_19.gz:/pg-dump.gz:Z \
    init task db:restore user=$PG_USER  password=$PG_PASS db=$PG_DB path=/pg-dump.gz


The default entrypoint to the init container generates a User, Authority, and Application dependent on the environment variables below.

Backup Container generates a container that will backup the state of PG to S3. By default, the backup will take place at midnight every day.

