PlaceOS Init Container

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A set of scripts for initialization of PlaceOS.


The scripts are methods wrapped by a interface. Most use named arguments which are used as described here.

Execute scripts as one-off container jobs.


# Initialize PostgreSQL database
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task db:init host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD
# Dump PostgreSQL database to local filesystem
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task db:dump host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD
# Restore PostgreSQL database from local filesystem dump
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task db:restore path=DUMP_FILE_LOCATION host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD
# Migrate RethinkDB dump to PostgreSQL database
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task migrate:rethink_dump path=DUMP_FILE_LOCATION host=$PG_HOST port=$PG_PORT db=$PG_DB user=$PG_USER password=$PG_PASSWORD clean_before=true
# Create a set of placeholder records
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:placeholder
# Create an Authority
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:authority domain="localhost:8080"
# Create a backoffice application hosted on `http://localhost:4200`
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:application \
    authority_id=<authority_id> \
    name="development" \
    base="http://localhost:4200" \
# Create a User
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task create:user \
    authority_id="s0mek1nd4UUID" \
    email="[email protected]" \
    username="burger" \
    password="burgerR00lz" \
    sys_admin=true \
# Restore to a database backup from S3
docker-compose run --no-deps -it init task restore:pg \
    pg_host=$PG_HOST \
    pg_port=$PG_PORT \
    pg_db=$PG_DB \
    pg_user=$PG_USER \
    pg_password=$PG_PASS \
    force_restore=$PG_FORCE_RESTORE \
    aws_region=$AWS_REGION \
    aws_s3_bucket=$AWS_S3_BUCKET \
    aws_s3_object=$AWS_S3_BUCKET \
    aws_key=$AWS_KEY \
# Restore to a database backup from filesystem
docker-compose run --no-deps \
    -v /etc/placeos/pg_dump_2020-07-14T14_26_19.gz:/pg-dump.gz:Z \
    init task db:restore user=$PG_USER  password=$PG_PASS db=$PG_DB path=/pg-dump.gz


The default entrypoint to the init container generates a User, Authority, and Application dependent on the environment variables below.

Backup Container generates a container that will backup the state of PG to S3 or Azure Storage depending on the environment variables. By default, the backup will take place at midnight every day.



Azure Storage


For interval syntax refer to Postgresql Interval datatype

## Development

- Create a function in a relevant file under `src/tasks`
- Write the task binding in `src/`
- Document it