
Geera lets you quickly change branches based on Jira tickets without thinking about their names. It can find a existing branch or create new if needed.



TODO Write installation instructions here



  1. Go to Jira API token and create new API token
  2. Run geera configure and finish configuration
$ geera configure
[Geera v0.1.0]
Connect your Jira account by passing your company domain and credentials:

Domain (from url: where XXXXX is your company domain: geera
Jira login: [email protected]
Jira API token: (paste your token here)
Select your teams\' board:
1. GEE - Geera project
33. VIP - Very Interesting Project
66. GAA - Great And Awesome

# Select your project by passing a number and confirm
New configuration has been saved at /Users/username/.geera/config.env
  1. Switch to a branch or create new
# Branch already exists in Git (locally or remote)
$ geera 1234
Switched to branch 'task/GEE-1234-implement-cli'

# Branch exists in Jira but not in Git so we create it
$ geera 888
Switched to a new branch 'sub-task/GEE-888-add-top-readme-description'

# Branch doesn't exist locally and in Jira
$ geera 871283712831839
Given issue [GEE-871283712831839] doesn\'t exist

Available commands


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
