
Crystal Clear is a small little library with minimal overhead for you who is bad at maintaining the specs for your project. It does this by moving that into be more inline on the project and keep the specs source local. It implements the Design by Contract approach which let's you define what the behaviour for a method, even a whole class, is supposed to be. Most of the code is generated at compile time and you can opt out performance intensive code from the tests. The entire contract framework can be disabled using the -D DISABLE_CONTRACTS flag when compiling.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: Groogy/crystal-clear


To include Crystal clear you just have to write this to get started.

require "crystal-clear"

Everything else happens magically with metaprogramming in the library. All you now need to do is provide the contracts that will specify how the class and its methods are supposed to behave. The tools you need to keep in mind are requires, ensures, invariants. These macros are where the magic happens.

require "crystal-clear"

class FooBar
  include CrystalClear

  invariant @val != nil

  def initialize(@val)

  requires val > 0
  ensures return_value > 0
  def test_method(val)
    100 / val + 1

  requires val > 0
  ensures return_value > 0
  def bad_method(val)
    @val = nil # Will throw an exception because this is not okay!
    100 / val + 1

  def break_internally
    @val = nil # Will throw an exception because this is not okay! 

  def fixes_internally
    @val = 5 # Invariants are only run when you leave the object completly so this is fine

Future Features

I've added some future proofing structure so that I can add more cool features but it needs a lot more work from me. THough as I add features it should not break the interface you work towards so it is still safe to use without risk of breakage.


If you have ideas on how to develop this library more or what features it is missing, I would love to hear about it. You can always contact me on IRC #crystal-lang at freenode.

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
