songdir service

Songdir es un servicio web para gestionar canciones y listas permitiendo cargar letras, letra+acordes, partituras o imágenes por canción. Songdir is a web service to manage songs and lists, allowing to upload lyrics, lyrics+chords, sheets or images per song.


Install crystal compiler in your system. Also install shards which is the package manager.


$ cd songdir_service
$ shards install


Once the crystal packages were installed successfully, then run:

$ crystal src/



This project represents the knowledge aquired during almost four years of my life. That experience is about Ruby and Python. After using Django and Ruby on Rails I decided to build my own API library, which is more simple and doesn't impose an architecture.


The web service itself is an useful service and a candidate to develop a set of functions and classes which gives the library mentioned above. The library modules are located in src/lib and they must be easily separable.
